
Chris Talbot

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Chris Talbot:

Top Healthcare Recruiter For Employers

Chris Talbot is a healthcare recruiter who works across North America. Companies in private health and medical use his services to find and hire top talent. 

A healthcare recruiter that saves you time and gets you better talent

A healthcare recruiter is a necessary part of any company in the medical industry. Finding the right combination of skills and experience to fit the needs of your organization is crucial to developing and maintaining a thriving business.
You can leverage Chris's refined recruitment methods and industry connections. Employers are efficiently linked to candidates with the right fit and skillsets. Dozens of roles in healthcare, ranging from lab techs to VPs, have been filled as a result of Chris's hard work.
Chris Talbot

Employer Testimonial:

"It has been an absolute pleasure to have worked with Chris over the past years. Attracting and hiring the right candidates for a high performance sales team can be very challenging. Chris has consistently provided top producing candidates for my teams over the years and as well, provided valuable commercial insights that any hiring manager needs.

He is a true professional that balances the needs of his clients with that of his candidates to ensure a great fit every time. Finally, Chris is incredibly responsive and attentive to the hiring process, which goes a very long way when attracting top talent. I look forward to continuing to work with Chris and soliciting his knowledge and experience in helping build high-performance teams."
Dave Lindsay
National Sales Manager

Recruiting with Chris creates a better experience

By working with a recruitment professional, you avoid wasting time filtering through the wrong candidates. Especially, when the perfect candidate may not have even applied or lives on the other side of the country. 

Chris’ knowledge and expertise in this niche market make him a sought after resource for healthcare employers. Chris makes placing top talent easy.

Proven Methods to Successfully Recruit Medical Professionals

As a recruiter in the healthcare industry, Chris Talbot knows hiring in this market is both competitive and complex. Chris utilizes various tools to be an effective and efficient.

medical executive recruiter chris talbot

Collaboration with Employers

Chris collaborates with employers to understand their needs then fleshes out those needs with them. With his knowledge, expertise, and relationships, he supports the development of the perfect hiring criteria. 

By working collaboratively with employers, to place highly skilled individuals who will stick around! Employers win and clients win.

medical executive recruiter

Research and Networking

Effective recruiting is about identifying talent, connecting with them, and building trust. Chris picks up the phone, goes to in-person meetings, and connects with a database of qualified candidates at the right time and in the right way – to create opportunity for individuals and and a strong team for his clients.

healthcare recruitment database

Internal medical professional database

The IMS group and Chris has access to decades worth of talent pools in our database of healthcare professionals. With this technology his search tools go beyond relying on networking or using external research like Linkedin. These resources cut down on the time and effort required for the hiring process. And, allow Chris to skillfully recruit candidates for transferable skills or with specific experience.

“Today, 90% of recruiters use Llinkedin as a first step in healthcare recruitment and fewer than 10% use time tested cold calling methods. Data shows that actual conversations results in greater connection with prospects while reducing time to connect by 70%”

Dozens of Healthcare Placements across North America

Chris Talbot has placed dozens of skilled individuals within the private medical industry in both Canada and the United States. This includes leadership positions, clinical development roles, surgeons, professionals for key business functions, and more.

Companies working with Chris Talbot have effectively recruited the following roles:

Healthcare research and clinical development

Medical device sales representatives

Senior-level managers in pharmacovigilance

Lab technicians at company providing solutions in neurosurgery

Oncology clinical data management personnel

Healthcare Companies and Candidates alike use Chris for Recruiting

Companies aren't the only ones willing to work with Chris. Professionals looking to break into the industry will request his services. And, individuals already working in the healthcare field will reach out Chris when they seek to migrate towards new opportunities or make a transition within their chosen field. This is a benefit to employers as Chris is always building his bank of potential candidates.
Chris Talbot

There are problems with mass online application.

The Problem With Screening Applicants

“The average corporate job posted to a job board (linkedin, indeed, monster) receives approximately 250 applicants of which 4-6 candidates will be screened and interviewed.”
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